import numpy
import scipy.stats
import pandas
def compare_averages(filename):
Performs a t-test on two sets of baseball data (left-handed and right-handed hitters).
You will be given a csv file that has three columns. A player's
name, handedness (L for lefthanded or R for righthanded) and their
career batting average (called 'avg'). You can look at the csv
file by downloading the baseball_stats file from Downloadables below.
Write a function that will read that the csv file into a pandas data frame,
and run Welch's t-test on the two cohorts defined by handedness.
One cohort should be a data frame of right-handed batters. And the other
cohort should be a data frame of left-handed batters.
We have included the scipy.stats library to help you write
or implement Welch's t-test:
With a significance level of 95%, if there is no difference
between the two cohorts, return a tuple consisting of
True, and then the tuple returned by scipy.stats.ttest.
If there is a difference, return a tuple consisting of
False, and then the tuple returned by scipy.stats.ttest.
For example, the tuple that you return may look like:
(True, (9.93570222, 0.000023))
baseball = pandas.read_csv(filename)
(t,p) = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(baseball.loc[baseball['handedness']=='L','avg'],
return (p > 0.05, (t, p))
filename = './data/baseball_stats.csv'
def compute_cost(features, values, theta):
Compute the cost of a list of parameters, theta, given a list of features
(input data points) and values (output data points).
m = len(values)
sum_of_square_errors = numpy.square(, theta) - values).sum()
cost = sum_of_square_errors / (2*m)
return cost
def gradient_descent(features, values, theta, alpha, num_iterations):
Perform gradient descent given a data set with an arbitrary number of features.
# Write code here that performs num_iterations updates to the elements of theta.
# times. Every time you compute the cost for a given list of thetas, append it
# to cost_history.
# See the Instructor notes for hints.
cost_history = []
for iter in range(num_iterations):
cost_history.append( compute_cost(features, values, theta))
theta += alpha/len(values)*, values -,theta))
return theta, pandas.Series(cost_history) # leave this line for the grader
def compute_r_squared(data, predictions):
# Write a function that, given two input numpy arrays, 'data', and 'predictions,'
# returns the coefficient of determination, R^2, for the model that produced
# predictions.
# Numpy has a couple of functions -- np.mean() and np.sum() --
# that you might find useful, but you don't have to use them.
r_squared = 1 - numpy.linalg.norm(data-predictions)**2 / numpy.linalg.norm(data-numpy.mean(data))**2
return r_squared