import math
import os
import pickle
import time
from textwrap import wrap
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers import flatten
%matplotlib inline
# Load pickled data
training_file = '../../IPython/09_Traffic_Sign_Classifier/train.p'
validation_file = '../../IPython/09_Traffic_Sign_Classifier/valid.p'
testing_file = '../../IPython/09_Traffic_Sign_Classifier/test.p'
with open(training_file, mode='rb') as f:
train = pickle.load(f)
with open(validation_file, mode='rb') as f:
valid = pickle.load(f)
with open(testing_file, mode='rb') as f:
test = pickle.load(f)
X_train, y_train = train['features'], train['labels']
X_valid, y_valid = valid['features'], valid['labels']
X_test, y_test = test['features'], test['labels']
The pickled data is a dictionary with 4 key/value pairs:
is a 4D array containing raw pixel data of the traffic sign images, (num examples, width, height, channels).'labels'
is a 1D array containing the label/class id of the traffic sign. The file signnames.csv
contains id -> name mappings for each id.'sizes'
is a list containing tuples, (width, height) representing the original width and height the image.'coords'
is a list containing tuples, (x1, y1, x2, y2) representing coordinates of a bounding box around the sign in the image. THESE COORDINATES ASSUME THE ORIGINAL IMAGE. THE PICKLED DATA CONTAINS RESIZED VERSIONS (32 by 32) OF THESE IMAGES# TODO: Number of training examples
n_train = len(y_train)
# TODO: Number of validation examples
n_validation = len(y_valid)
# TODO: Number of testing examples.
n_test = len(y_test)
# TODO: What's the shape of an traffic sign image?
image_shape = X_train.shape[1:3]
# TODO: How many unique classes/labels there are in the dataset.
n_classes = len(np.unique(y_train))
print("Number of training examples =", n_train)
print("Number of testing examples =", n_test)
print("Image data shape =", image_shape)
print("Number of classes =", n_classes)
# get a dictionary whose keys are the sign id's and whose values are the sign names
with open('../../IPython/09_Traffic_Sign_Classifier/signnames.csv', 'r') as f:
sign_name_dict = dict(line.strip().split(',') for line in f.readlines()[1:])
# get a list `signs_by_id_*` where `signs_by_id_*[i]` is a list of all signs with id `i` in set *
signs_by_id_train = [[ind for ind, sign_id in enumerate(y_train) if sign_id == i] for i in range(n_classes)]
signs_by_id_valid = [[ind for ind, sign_id in enumerate(y_valid) if sign_id == i] for i in range(n_classes)]
signs_by_id_test = [[ind for ind, sign_id in enumerate(y_test) if sign_id == i] for i in range(n_classes)]
# get a list `sign_examples` where `sign_examples[i]` is an example of sign type `i`
sign_examples = [None] * n_classes
for i in range(n_classes):
j = 0
while np.mean(X_train[signs_by_id_train[i][j], :, :, :]) < 64. and j < len(signs_by_id_train[i]) - 1:
j += 1
sign_examples[i] = X_train[signs_by_id_train[i][j], :, :, :]
# plot an example of each sign type
rows = 9
cols = 5
plt.figure(1, figsize=(48,48))
for i in range(43):
plt.subplot(rows, cols, i+1)
plt.title("\n".join(wrap('{0} = {1}'.format(i, sign_name_dict[str(i)]), 20)), fontsize=30)
plt.tight_layout(pad=0., w_pad=0., h_pad=1.0)
Visualize the German Traffic Signs Dataset using the pickled file(s). This is open ended, suggestions include: plotting traffic sign images, plotting the count of each sign, etc., [len(s) for s in signs_by_id_train], align='center')
plt.xticks(range(0, n_classes, 5))
plt.title('Distribution of the Training Set'), [len(s) for s in signs_by_id_valid], align='center')
plt.xticks(range(0, n_classes, 5))
plt.title('Distribution of the Validation Set'), [len(s) for s in signs_by_id_test], align='center')
plt.xticks(range(0, n_classes, 5))
plt.title('Distribution of the Test Set')
Design and implement a deep learning model that learns to recognize traffic signs. Train and test your model on the German Traffic Sign Dataset.
The LeNet-5 implementation shown in the classroom at the end of the CNN lesson is a solid starting point. You'll have to change the number of classes and possibly the preprocessing, but aside from that it's plug and play!
With the LeNet-5 solution from the lecture, you should expect a validation set accuracy of about 0.89. To meet specifications, the validation set accuracy will need to be at least 0.93. It is possible to get an even higher accuracy, but 0.93 is the minimum for a successful project submission.
There are various aspects to consider when thinking about this problem:
Here is an example of a published baseline model on this problem. It's not required to be familiar with the approach used in the paper but, it's good practice to try to read papers like these.
Minimally, the image data should be normalized so that the data has mean zero and equal variance. For image data, (pixel - 128)/ 128
is a quick way to approximately normalize the data and can be used in this project.
Other pre-processing steps are optional. You can try different techniques to see if it improves performance.
Use the code cell (or multiple code cells, if necessary) to implement the first step of your project.
def preprocess(img):
"""Standardize an image using ``(pixel - 128.) / 128.`` for each of the channels (RGB)
img : numpy.ndarray
the image (width x height x channels)
the preprocessed image
return (img - 128.) / 128.
X_train = np.array([preprocess(img) for img in X_train])
X_valid = np.array([preprocess(img) for img in X_valid])
X_test = np.array([preprocess(img) for img in X_test])
def forward_pass(x):
"""Perform a forward pass through the network
x : Tensor
the input data
the logits
# Arguments used for tf.truncated_normal --> used to randomly define the weights and biases
mu = 0
sigma = 0.1
# Layer 1: Convolutional. Input = 32x32x3. Output = 28x28x6.
w1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5, 5, 3, 6], mean=mu, stddev=sigma))
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(6))
strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]
padding = 'VALID'
h1 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, w1, strides, padding) + b1
# Activation.
a1 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.relu(h1), keep_prob)
# Pooling. Input = 28x28x6. Output = 14x14x6.
ksize = [1, 2, 2, 1]
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]
padding = 'SAME'
a2 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.max_pool(a1, ksize, strides, padding), keep_prob)
# Layer 2: Convolutional. Output = 10x10x16.
w3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([5, 5, 6, 16], mean=mu, stddev=sigma))
b3 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(16))
strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]
padding = 'VALID'
h3 = tf.nn.conv2d(a2, w3, strides, padding) + b3
# Activation.
a3 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.relu(h3), keep_prob)
# Pooling. Input = 10x10x16. Output = 5x5x16.
ksize = [1, 2, 2, 1]
strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]
padding = 'SAME'
a4 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.max_pool(a3, ksize, strides, padding), keep_prob)
# Flatten. Input = 5x5x16. Output = 400.
a5 = flatten(a4)
# Layer 3: Fully Connected. Input = 400. Output = 120.
w6 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([400, 120], mean=mu, stddev=sigma))
b6 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(120))
h6 = tf.add(tf.matmul(a5, w6), b6)
# Activation.
a6 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.relu(h6), keep_prob)
# Layer 4: Fully Connected. Input = 120. Output = 84.
w7 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([120, 84], mean=mu, stddev=sigma))
b7 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(84))
h7 = tf.add(tf.matmul(a6, w7), b7)
# Activation.
a7 = tf.nn.dropout(tf.nn.relu(h7), keep_prob)
# Layer 5: Fully Connected. Input = 84. Output = 43.
w8 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([84, 43], mean=mu, stddev=sigma))
b8 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(43))
return tf.add(tf.matmul(a7, w8), b8)
A validation set can be used to assess how well the model is performing. A low accuracy on the training and validation sets imply underfitting. A high accuracy on the training set but low accuracy on the validation set implies overfitting.
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, 32, 32, 3))
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None))
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
one_hot_y = tf.one_hot(y, 43)
rate = 0.001
logits = forward_pass(x)
cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=one_hot_y, logits=logits)
loss_operation = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=rate)
training_operation = optimizer.minimize(loss_operation)
prediction = tf.argmax(logits, 1)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(prediction, tf.argmax(one_hot_y, 1))
accuracy_operation = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
saver = tf.train.Saver()
def evaluate(X_data, y_data):
"""Calculate the accuracy of the model
X_data : Tensor
the input data
y_data : Tensor
the labels for the input data
the accuracy of the model
num_examples = len(X_data)
total_accuracy = 0
sess = tf.get_default_session()
for offset in range(0, num_examples, BATCH_SIZE):
batch_x, batch_y = X_data[offset:offset+BATCH_SIZE], y_data[offset:offset+BATCH_SIZE]
accuracy =, feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y, keep_prob: 1.0})
total_accuracy += (accuracy * len(batch_x))
return total_accuracy / num_examples
with tf.Session() as sess:
num_examples = len(X_train)
for i in range(EPOCHS):
X_train, y_train = shuffle(X_train, y_train)
for offset in range(0, num_examples, BATCH_SIZE):
end = offset + BATCH_SIZE
batch_x, batch_y = X_train[offset:end], y_train[offset:end], feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y, keep_prob: 0.9})
validation_accuracy = evaluate(X_valid, y_valid)
print("EPOCH {} ...".format(i+1))
print("Validation Accuracy = {:.3f}".format(validation_accuracy))
print(), './traffic-signs')
print("Model saved")
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('.'))
print("\n Training set accuracy = {:.3f}".format(evaluate(X_train, y_train)))
print("Validation set accuracy = {:.3f}".format(evaluate(X_valid, y_valid)))
print(" Test set accuracy = {:.3f}".format(evaluate(X_test, y_test)))
To give yourself more insight into how your model is working, download at least five pictures of German traffic signs from the web and use your model to predict the traffic sign type.
test_image_dir = '../../IPython/09_Traffic_Sign_Classifier/test_images/'
# sort the images by their type
test_images = sorted(os.listdir(test_image_dir), key=lambda img: int(img.split('_')[0]))
# extract the image types from their filenames
y_new = np.array([int(img.split('_')[0]) for img in test_images])
# load the images
X_new0 = np.array([cv2.resize(plt.imread(test_image_dir + img), (32, 32)) for img in test_images])
# pre-process the images
X_new = np.array([preprocess(img) for img in X_new0])
# plot the images
plt.figure(1, figsize=(48,48))
for i in range(5):
plt.subplot(1, 5, i+1)
plt.title("\n".join(wrap('{0} = {1}'.format(y_new[i], sign_name_dict[str(y_new[i])]), 20)), fontsize=40)
plt.imshow(X_new0[i, :, :, :])
plt.tight_layout(pad=0., w_pad=0., h_pad=1.0)
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('.'))
predictions =, feed_dict={x: X_new, keep_prob: 1.0})
print('\nPrediction Ground Truth')
print('---------- ------------')
for p_i, y_i in zip(predictions, y_new):
print(' {0:2d} {1:2d} '.format(p_i, y_i))
### Calculate the accuracy for these 5 new images.
### For example, if the model predicted 1 out of 5 signs correctly, it's 20% accurate on these new images.
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('.'))
new_accuracy = evaluate(X_new, y_new)
print("\nNew Accuracy = {:.3f}".format(new_accuracy))
For each of the new images, print out the model's softmax probabilities to show the certainty of the model's predictions (limit the output to the top 5 probabilities for each image).
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('.'))
softmaxes =, feed_dict={x: X_new, keep_prob: 1.0})
values, indices =, k=5))
print('\n' + str(values))
rows, cols = values.shape
cols += 1
plt.figure(1, figsize=(48,48))
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
plt.subplot(rows, cols, row*cols + col + 1)
if col == 0:
plt.title("[{0}] True".format(y_new[row]), fontsize=30)
plt.imshow(X_new0[row, :, :, :])
plt.title("[{0}] {1:.4f}".format(indices[row, col-1], values[row, col-1]), fontsize=30)
plt.imshow(sign_examples[indices[row, col-1]])
plt.tight_layout(pad=0., w_pad=0., h_pad=1.0)