Advanced Lane Finding

0. Setup


In [1]:
import glob
import os

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Import everything needed to edit/save/watch video clips
from IPython.display import HTML
from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip

import image
import lane

Get a list of all the test images as Lane objects

In [2]:
test_images = sorted(glob.glob('../../Repos/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines/test_images/*.jpg'))

lanes_list = []
for imgpath in test_images:

Perspective transform constants

In [3]:
print('img_size = {0}\n'.format(lane.img_size))
print('     src = [{0}]\n'.format('\n            '.join(['[ ' + ', '.join(['{0:4d}'.format(int(r)) for r in row]) + ' ]' for row in lane.src])))
print('     src = [{0}]\n'.format('\n            '.join(['[ ' + ', '.join(['{0:4d}'.format(int(r)) for r in row]) + ' ]' for row in lane.dst])))
img_size = (1280, 720)

     src = [[  595,  450 ]
            [  685,  450 ]
            [ 1000,  660 ]
            [  280,  660 ]]

     src = [[  300,    0 ]
            [  980,    0 ]
            [  980,  720 ]
            [  300,  720 ]]

Parameters for finding the lane lines

In [4]:
# window settings
window_width = 50 # width of the convolution windows --> must be even!
window_height = 80 # Break image into 9 vertical layers since image height is 720
margin_naive = 50 # How much to slide left and right for searching
margin_prior = 50
minsum = 3

assert window_width % 2 == 0, '`window_width` must be even'

1. Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.

In [5]:
calibration_images = sorted(glob.glob('../../Repos/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines/camera_cal/*.jpg'))
nx = 9
ny = 6

mtx, dist = image.calibrate_camera(calibration_images, nx, ny)

l = lane.Lane(imgpath='../../Repos/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines/camera_cal/calibration8.jpg')
undistorted = l.get_undistorted(mtx, dist, outfile='../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/undistorted_calibration8.jpg')
image.show_images(l.img, 'calibration8.jpg', undistorted, 'Undistorted calibration8.jpg')

2. Apply a distortion correction to raw images.

In [6]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/undistorted/undistorted_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    undistorted = l.get_undistorted(mtx, dist, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))    
    image.show_images(l.img, 'Original Image', undistorted, 'Undistorted Image')

3. Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.

In [7]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/binary/binary_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    binary = l.get_binary(mtx, dist, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))
    image.show_images(l.img, 'Original Image', binary*255, 'Binary Image')

4. Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view").

Display the perspective images

In [8]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/perspective/perspective_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    undistorted = l.get_undistorted(mtx, dist, show_lines=True)
    perspective = l.get_perspective(mtx, dist, show_lines=True, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))
    image.show_images(undistorted, 'Undistorted Original Image', perspective, 'Perspective Image')

Display the binary perspective images

In [9]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/binary_perspective/binary_perspective_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    undistorted = l.get_undistorted(mtx, dist)
    binary_perspective = l.get_binary_perspective(mtx, dist, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))
    image.show_images(l.img, 'Undistorted Original Image', binary_perspective*255, 'Binary Perspective Image')

5. Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.

Find the lane lines using moving windows

In [10]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/windows/windows_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    window_centroids = l.find_window_centroids(mtx, dist, window_width, window_height, margin_naive, minsum)
    l.plot_window_centroids(mtx, dist, window_centroids, window_width, window_height,

Fit the lines and plot the results on the binary perspective images

In [11]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/lines_perspective/lines_perspective_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    l.fit_lines(mtx, dist, margin_naive, margin_prior, window_width, window_height, minsum, d=2)
    l.plot_lines_perspective(mtx, dist, margin_naive, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))

6. Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center.

See Section 8.

7. Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.

See Section 8.

8. Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.

In [12]:
outfile = '../../Projects/Project_04/output_images/lines/lines_{0}'
for l in lanes_list:
    l.plot_lines(mtx, dist, show_plot=True, outfile=outfile.format(os.path.basename(l.imgpath)))

Process a video

Load the frames

In [13]:
clip = '../../Repos/CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines/project_video.mp4'

# use the previous `n` frames to help detect the lane
n = 3

vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(clip)
count = 0
lanes_list = []
success = True

while success:
    success, img =
    if success:    
        l = lane.Lane(img)
        if count > 0:
            l.prev = lanes_list[max(count-n, 0):count][::-1]

    if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:                     # exit if Escape is hit
    count += 1

Fit the lane lines

In [14]:
for l in lanes_list:
    l.fit_lines(mtx, dist, margin_naive, margin_prior, window_width, window_height, minsum, d=2)

Output a video

In [15]:
output = '../../Projects/Project_04/project_video_lanes.mp4'

clip = ImageSequenceClip([l.plot_lines(mtx, dist)[:, :, ::-1] for l in lanes_list], fps=30)
[MoviePy] >>>> Building video ../../Projects/Project_04/project_video_lanes.mp4
[MoviePy] Writing video ../../Projects/Project_04/project_video_lanes.mp4
100%|██████████| 1258/1258 [00:50<00:00, 25.19it/s]
[MoviePy] Done.
[MoviePy] >>>> Video ready: ../../Projects/Project_04/project_video_lanes.mp4